It started with a fall storm in 1999. Strong winds destroyed a favorite tree in a soggy area next to our home just outside of Bellingham, Washington. We had always wanted a pond so this was our opportunity. Our first bid was the standard $5,000 lined pond with the dirt from the dig making the waterfall. After another bid, an excavator operator was in place. Upon completion, he said, "There's your hole in the ground. Good luck!"
As it turns out our soil was just right for an earthen pond, mostly clay with an unusually high water table. An obsession for water gardening was born and koi soon followed. We dug a second, a third, a fourth and a fifth pond. Eventually, Mud Pond Koi had seven earthen ponds and a retail/quarantine facility. Serious koi rearing began in 2002 as we learned the Japanese used clay ponds to grow their koi to amazing size, while stabilizing their incredible color.
The journey continued with the opening of our Bellingham retail store in 2010. We hope you'll visit us at 2401 Samish Way, on your way to Lake Padden. We offer much more than koi. We're committed to continuing the legacy of Bellingham's original pond store by offering first-rate, friendly service and quality products. Stop by to see our extensive line of pond supplies and equipment, koi and water plants. Or, just drop by to talk ponds and koi. We're also known for our pond design and installation as well as on-site pond consultations and maintenance. We look forward to meeting you!
Kevin and Mary Vermillion – Owners